Wow, What a beautiful day today! Here in Nebraska, if you can find a day without humidity, it is a great day!
This will be short but I wanted to get this posted before I say goodbye to the day. I thought I would post a little half moon table that I painted with CeCe Caldwell's Chalk Paint. It was a lot of fun to do, and was one of my first projects with Chalk Paint. The Table was a garage sale table, very light weight. It cost next to nothing and had been sitting around my back room in the basement for a couple of years.

I like to do the knobby legs as you can probably tell if you have looked around my blog very much. I actually waxed the top, and then I decided to use poly on it instead of wax because I was afraid it would bleed into the next color if I waxed it. I also wanted the paint to be set before I started to Poly it, so I did what I always do to set the paint so it doesn't bleed...I took a can of spray Varathane Poly and sprayed it to set the colors....I had not done any spraying on chalk paint before and when I sprayed the Varatahane finsh on, it was like it melted the Chalk Paint!#@**&^% I was just sick. I thought I had ruined it for sure. But I also knew that if I stroked it on with a brush, the black and white stripes would bleed together. I had chosen not to wax it because I didn't want the wax rubbing off some of the color since I wasn't going to distress it. I left it for a while and just went upstairs to let it sit and dry good. When I went back down to look at it, it was like has all filled back in where the paint had looked like it melted off. I was a happy camper! I kinda liked the brightness of the colors.
I know the close up is a little fuzzy but I forgot to take my camera with me. I took this to the Newton, IA Home Show and it was the first to sell. Have you done a little half moon table? I would love to see pictures. I am no expert by any means, but if you have any questions about paint or applications, I would be glad to share what I know. Have a great rest of the week, ta ta for now. Carolyn